
Welcome to Bumblebee Cooks, my blog of plant-based yummies for everyone. You might be wondering about the name, especially given that honey isn’t vegan. Well, its roots go back over a decade.

IMG_6457When I was about five or six years old, I dreamed of owning my own restaurant. Obviously, I was too young to do that for real, so instead I created a “restaurant” for my family. I would plan a meal, then help to cook it and set the table just so. I called my little venture “The Bumblebee,” and it just seemed right to use some form of that name on my new cooking and baking blog. 

Even as a little kid, I made up my own recipes for cakes and muffins. My family was surprised that many of them turned out well. I began to refine the recipes and made up more and more of them. Eventually, I added cooking to baking. Much later, I decided that it was time to adopt a plant-based diet for environmental reasons, and I presented a fully researched plan for that to my family. They went for it, and ever since then I’ve been developing and adapting yummy, plant-based recipes. This blog is my chance to share them with you.  

So welcome to Bumblebee Cooks! I hope you find the recipes fun, tasty, and inspiring. Please let me know what you think through comments or by clicking here. Enjoy!